Due to the inclement weather on March 22, intentions originally announced for the 8 AM Mass at St. Anthony Church have been rescheduled. Click the article title for details.
Sunday, March 18, was a very special day for our candidates for Confirmation. They devoted the day to a retreat experience in preparation for the gift of the Holy Spirit to be received at Confirmation on April 28. The retreat was directed by the young people of the National Evangelization Team…who hail from all parts of our country. The retreat received many “rave reviews” and we pray that it readied the confirmandi to receive the graces of the sacrament.
The Religious Education Office will be closed from April 2 to 4. Sunday classes will resume on April 8; Wednesday classes will resume on April 18. We will not have classes on April 11 due to our multi-parish mission. We invite all students and their families to attend the mission.
The Food Pantry Partnership’s requested items for April are: cake mix, Jell-O, and pudding mixes. Please place your donations in the receptacles at the doors of our churches. Remember, we also continue to provide food donations to Trenton’s Mount Carmel Guild.
Click the article title to find the prayer for our 2018 Multi-Parish Mission. Please offer this prayer in the days preceding the mission, to ask the Father and the Son to send the Holy Spirit to all of the parishioners in the four sponsoring parishes: Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony, St. Gregory the Great, St. John the Baptist, and St. Vincent de Paul.
Knights of Columbus Council 6213 invites you to Dance to the Oldies of the 50's to the 90's on Saturday, May 5, from 7 to 11 pm at Columbus Hall (1451 Klockner Road, Hamilton). Click the article title for details.
The Mercer County Federation Holy Name Society is holding a Federation Eucharistic Day on Saturday, April 21, with Eucharistic Exposition, Prayer, and Benediction. For more information, click the article title.
The St. John Neumann Chapter of Catholics United for the Faith is sponsoring an all-day conference titled Matrimony: Rediscovering Its Truth on Saturday, April 21, from 10:00 am to 6:15 pm at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul in Philadelphia. Click the article title for details.
Our annual Lenten "work of charity" has always enjoyed the extraordinary support of our parishioners. Please continue to be generous...donation "cans" have been placed at the doors of our churches throughout the season of Lent. Click the article title for more information.
We will be asking all participating parishes to provide volunteers to assist at the mission each of the four nights. Please consider volunteering for one of the roles, on one of the evenings of the mission. Click the article title for more information on the volunteer roles.
Schedules for Altar Servers, Lectors, and EMHC have been emailed to all Liturgical Ministers. Paper copies of the schedules are available in both sacristies for those without Internet access. Note that for Holy Week, liturgical ministers from both churches have been used for services at St. Anthony’s Church. Most services are at different times than our usual Sunday masses, so check the entire schedule carefully for assignments.
Please join us for a special liturgy for the blessing of Easter foods. This traditional custom will take place on Saturday, March 31, at Our Lady of Sorrows immediately after Morning Prayer, which begins at 10:00 a.m.
Join your fellow parishioners after Stations of the Cross on Good Friday to help decorate Our Lady of Sorrows Church to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord. Many hands will make light work, so bring your family and friends!