Join in our diocesan celebration honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas and of the Unborn. A great procession will take place this Saturday, December 1. For details, click the article title.
The Food Pantry Partnership will happily accept all types of nonperishable food and can always use pantry staples as well as basic hygiene and cleaning supplies. For more information, click the article title.
If you manage your bills online, you’ll like the convenience of giving to your church online. It’s safe and secure and you decide exactly when your gift is made and where it goes. You can even view your giving history and pledge progress at any time, just by logging in. Click the Online Giving button, or the article title, for more information.
The person who truly loves does so because of a decision to love. This person has made a commitment to be loving whether or not the loving feeling is present." (M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled) Click the article title for a link to Susan's website.
Are you able to give 1-2 hours approximately 7 times a year caring for our parish altar linens? The Altar Linen Ministry launders and presses the purificators used for our Sunday and daily masses. If you are interested, click the article title for contact information.
The Procession Pilgrimage of the Traveling Torches of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be next Saturday, December 1. Hundreds of us, Proud Catholics, will process with police escort to St Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton for a special mass with our Bishop David O’Connell at noon. After mass there will be food and fellowship. Please join us as to show and share our Catholic faith as we unite under the care of Our Lady of Guadalupe and honor Our Mother in this beautiful way!
Are you very sick, or generally in poor health? Find out about the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick under Worship & Liturgy > The Sacraments. On this page you’ll find information about what this sacrament is and who it’s for, and on the page under this one, you’ll find out how to prepare for a sick call.
A special blessing will be given to all expectant mothers in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 9. If you are expecting, and would like to receive this special blessing, please call the parish office (609-587-4372) by December 5, and leave your name. Please arrive 15 to 20 minutes before mass on December 9, and tell the deacon you're there for the blessing. Click the article title for details.
The Rosary Altar Society is holding its Annual Christmas Wreath Sale, which proceeds benefit OLS School. The 12″ balsam wreath is decorated with pine cones and red decorative balls and a ribbon. Wreaths are available with or without a stand. The former makes a suitable adornment for the cemetery while the latter is ideal for decorating a door, window, or porch. Click the article title for prices, deadline, and pickup details.
The parish office will close at 12:30 on Wednesday, Nov. 21, for the Thanksgiving holiday, and will reopen on Saturday, Nov. 24, at 8:30 AM. The school will dismiss students at 12:20 PM on Wednesday, Nov. 21, and will reopen on Monday, Nov. 26. Please note that there will be no Eucharistic Adoration on Nov. 22 (Thanksgiving Day).
At its regular meeting last Wednesday, our Parish Finance Council welcomed three new members and thanked three outgoing members who have completed their term of service. Click the article title for more information.
Thank God for all He has given you by making a generous donation or pledge to the 2018 Annual Catholic Appeal. Click the article title for more information.
Do you feel called to the priesthood? Do you just wonder what exactly ordination to the priesthood is? Check out the Holy Orders page under Worship & Liturgy > The Sacraments.
The Social Justice/Social Concerns Committee once again invites you to share your love and your treasures this Christmas with children in need, and in so doing, keep alive the memory of Deacon Joe Malloy. Click the article title for more information.
In a growing marriage the little things are the big things. It's not only marrying the right person. It's BEING the right partner. How are you doing in the little things of your marriage? Click the article title for a link to Susan's website.
The Knight to Remember Committee members are selling raffle tickets to benefit the school at all Masses at both Our Lady of Sorrows and St. Anthony Churches. To date, the first prize exceeds $7,200, second prize exceeds $4,500, and third prize is over $2,800! Click the article title for more information.