This year our Mother's Day Baby Shower will benefit programs at the Mt. Carmel Guild. The Guild is in need of diapers and baby toiletries. Donations can be dropped off in the boxes at the entrances of the churches the weekend of May 13-14. For more information, please contact Sandy Mulvania at 439-8165.
If you haven't already made your donation, please do so as soon as possible. (Please make checks payable to the Annual Catholic Appeal, not to OLS-SA.) Your gift may be mailed or dropped in the collection basket. Click the article title for details on where to send it.
Our faith teaches us that Jesus remains present in his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Sacrament that is reserved in the tabernacle. Thursdays are Days of Solemn Adoration. The Blessed Sacrament will be placed upon the altar following the 7 AM Mass until Reposition at 6 PM. All are invited to answer the Lord's call...
The orientation and training meeting for parish volunteers for the Cohort Mission will be held at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, April 26, at St. Gregory the Great Church. If you are interested and haven't yet signed up, please call the parish office (587-4372).
Every marriage faces hardship. It’s a given. The key point is to face the difficulties, whatever they are, together with your spouse, the one you love. If you can look back and remember earlier good times and not so good times, if you see how far you have come in your marriage and in your faith and smile . . . You can be a mentor! Click the article title for more information.
Do you have an old bicycle that you or your family no longer use? You can donate your old bike to the Boys & Girls Club Bike Exchange , where they will refurbish it to make low-cost bikes available to low-income families in our area. You will enjoy the satisfaction of knowing your bike has a new home—and you’ll have more space in your garage! Please call Mike Gallucci at 658-7826 to arrange for pick-up.
Bring your yarn to church this weekend. Yarn of any color is needed, and will be collected for the Rosary Altar Prayer Shawl Makers. Baskets will be provided at the Church doors after all the Masses.
...the great work of our volunteers who maintain the good appearance of the buildings and grounds of our two churches. Click the article title for details.
Please use the missal holders on the back of the pews for our “Breaking Bread” missal/hymnals only. The holder is not intended for bulletins, soiled tissues, gum and/or candy wrappers, etc. Our regard for the Lord’s house should make us attentive to its care and good order. Moreover, consuming gum or candy in church is not only inappropriate but breaks the required Eucharistic fast before Holy Communion. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
With gratitude, Fr. Jean and I acknowledge the wonderful contributions of all those who helped to make our Lent and Easter so meaningful—our deacons, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, lectors, altar servers, ushers, music ministers, liturgy committee, counting crews, “behind the scenes” staff and, of course, our wonderful parishioners, who participated in our Thursday evening Masses, the Haitian Lenten mission, Wednesday and Friday Stations of the Cross, and Triduum liturgies.
Members of our parish family went on pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Emmitsburg , Maryland. We had a great time, and got to know each other better. If you didn't get to go on the parish pilgrimage to Emmitsburg, you can still see photos! Click the article title for a link to the photos.
The Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony parish Blood Drive will be held on Sunday, April 30, from 8 AM to 12:30 PM, at Our Lady of Sorrows, in the Church Meeting Room. While walk-ins are welcome, appointments are suggested. Click the article title for details and contact information.