The awards listed in this news article were presented to this year's graduates of Our Lady of Sorrows School. The graduating class of 2016 would like to thanks the individuals, our school Parent Teacher Association, and the parish organizations that support the mission of Catholic education.
The Monday Night Bible Study will be in recess during the summer, and will resume in September. An announcement will be made here and in the bulletin with our September start date.
Join us at the 8:00 AM Mass at St. Anthony Church to celebrate Independence Day, July 4th. Note that parish and school offices will be closed on the 4th.
The Diocesan Planning Commission met on retreat to begin their response to our cohort suggestions for Faith in Our Future. You can see a video from The Monitor, as well as the story coverage by The Monitor, by clicking the Links on the left below the menu on the Faith in Our Future page, under Stewardship.
Get to know the saint who is our parish patron! Come to St. Anthony Church Hall on Thursday, July 7 to see a movie about our own St. Anthony! Refreshments (movie-style) will be provided!
A few days of retreat can offer a rare opportunity to combine physical rest with a new awareness that our God's friendship and His powerful help are ours for the asking...Guaranteed!
This week's movie attraction is the movie "The 13th Day" about the appearance of the Blessed Virgin to the three children of Fatima. Showtime is 7:00 PM in the Church Meeting Room at Our Lady of Sorrows campus.
Have you ever met someone who did not believe in God? Did you have trouble explaining your faith to them, or did you feel too intimidated to even try? Join us in our biweekly reading group as we read "Answering Atheism" by Trent Horn.
Click the article title to find out when the parish will be making sandwiches and serving food at the Cathedral, as well as when we'll be collecting hygiene products to be distributed with the lunches.
You'll find photos of our celebration of the 25 Anniversary of the ordination of Deacon Jeff Pierfy and Deacon Dennis Slavin on the Community Events page, under Ministries > Community Life.