A festival sponsored by the Trenton Council #355 Knights of Columbus will be held on Sunday, August 9, from 6 to 10 PM, following the 109th Mass and Procession honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary, at Our Lady of the Angels/St. Joachim's Church. Click the article title for details.
The OLS-SA Reading Group is starting a new book. If you have questions about the Catholic faith and why we believe what we believe, please consider joining us! Click the article title for details.
The parish family of Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony congratulates and extends its prayerful best wishes for a long and happy marriage to the couples who were wed in the first half of 2015. Click the article title for a complete list.
This weekend, Fathers Robert Jalbert and Romane St. Vil, Maryknoll missioners with experience in Kenya, Tanzania, & Cambodia, will speak at all the Masses. Click the article title for more information.
Click the article title to see a list of awards presented to this year's graduates of Our Lady of Sorrows School. The graduating class of 2015 would like to thank the individuals, our school PTA, and parish organizations that support the mission of Catholic education.
You're invited to participate in our 21st Annual Golf Classic on Wednesday, September 16, at Mercer Oaks West Golf Course. For more information, click the article title.
During June, more than 306 hours of service were provided by 49 volunteers to 38 persons. Caring Hearts volunteers provide non-medical services to our homebound elderly and disabled neighbors. Click the article title for more information.
Catechists and aides are needed for the Summer Program, grades 3 and 6. If you love your faith and are willing to share this faith with children, please call the Office of Religious Education at 587-4372. The Summer Program will run from 9:00 AM until noon, July 20 through July 31.
Our faith teaches us that Jesus remains present in his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Sacrament that is reserved in the Tabernacle. Why not stop in, for even a brief moment, to rejoice in the Lord's Presence?
Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony now provides Online Giving, a convenient and safe way to make a one-time or recurring donation. For more information, click the article title.