Kominote Ayisyen an nan Pawas "Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony" felisite ou, Pè Jean Rénald Felicién, nan 1e anivèsè òdinasyon ou e di ou mèsi pou sèvis renmen ou nan Legliz la. Se pou Bonndye beni ou anpil anpil nan ministè prèt ou a.
From the Parish Community of Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony to Fr. Jean, congratulations on the first anniversary of your ordination, and thank you for your loving service to the Church. May God bless you abundantly in your priestly ministry.
Our parish youth group will be collecting travel sized hygiene products to be distributed with the Loaves and Fishes bag lunches. Donations may be dropped off at the entrances of the church from Saturday, May 30, until Sunday, June 21. Thank you for your generous donations.
You're invited to participate in our 21st Annual Golf Classic on Wednesday, September 16, at Mercer Oaks West Golf Course. The $135 entry fee covers 18 holes of golf, a cart, tee gift package, lunch, cocktails, dinner and prizes. For more information, click the article title.
Last week we announced that we're now offering Online Giving. If you manage your bills online, we're sure you'll like giving to your church online. It's safe and secure, and you decide exactly when your gift is made and were it goes. For more information, click the article title.
For the celebration of the Solemnity of St. Anthony on Saturday, June 13, the 9 AM Mass will be celebrated at the Church of St. Anthony rather than at Our Lady of Sorrows.
I am most grateful for your contributions to our Easter collection, which totaled $82,900. Click the article title for more information about how this money will be used.
Did you know that the tragedy of abortion takes place within "our own backyard?" Women's Health Services at 1345 Kuser Road has provided abortions since November 2011. Click the article title for more information on how you can provide witness and prayer to end this atrocity.
Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony will host the Loaves and Fishes meal at St. Mary's Cathedral on Saturday, June 27. We need volunteers for assembling the bagged lunches, and for serving and cleaning up. Click the article title for details.
You are invited to place the names of your loved ones who gave their lives for our freedom in one of the parish's Books of Remembrance, located by Our Lady's statue in Our Lady of Sorrows Church, and at the Altar of Remembrance in St. Anthony Church.
On May 18, Sister Dorothy Lettiere R.S.M. will return to Guam to continue to minister to the people she loves and who love her. Click the article title for the full article.
We acknowledge with gratitude the generous response of so many to the annual Mother's Day Baby Shower, which provides needed items for the Choice One Pregnancy Center. Thank you!
Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony Preschool is having a fundraiser! All family and friends are invited to enjoy delicious ice cream. Click the article title for details.