About the Church's teachings on marriage, weddings, annulment, and divorce? Come to this week's Thoughtful Thursday presentation, by our own Msgr. Gervasio. Click the article title for more details.
You're invited to an All Souls Day Mass at St. Mary's Cemetery and Mausoleum (Bldg. A) on Monday, November 2, at 10:00 AM. Click the article title for details.
We urge all men of the parish to join us at least in spirit, if meeting attendance is impossible. A membership form is available in the bulletin of October 25.
For supporting the Knights of Columbus Hamilton Council #6213 Chance Drive for the benefit of New Jersey Right to Life, on the weekend of October 10-11. The drive raised $1,500.
Many thanks to all who are responding to the "Faith to Move Mountains" Campaign. Pledge cards are available at the doors of our churches. Remember that our parish receives 30% of the gifts received, and 70% of any funds contributed over our goal.
Daylight Savings Time ends next weekend, on the night of October 31/November 1. Remember to turn your clocks back an hour before going to sleep on Saturday night!
During October, our Altar Rosary Society provides Rosaries and guides for the praying of the Rosary. They are at the side altar of Our Lady at St. Anthony Church and at the Marian Shrine at Our Lady of Sorrows Church. Click the article title for a message from Pope Francis on the Rosary.
October 25 is a day especially chosen to celebrate the sacrament of Holy Orders--the sacrament of priestly dedication. This Sunday we acknowledge and honor the priests of our parish: Msgr. Tom, Fr. Carter, and Fr. Jean. Click the article title for more details.
Those saddened by the recent loss of a loved one may need some time to work through the natural process of grieving. Sharing thoughts, feelings, and experiences is a most helpful way to get beyond the pain or loneliness cause by the death of a loved one. Click the article title for more information on a series to help the bereaved after the loss of a loved one.
Our parish St. Vincent DePaul Conference thanks you for your donations, which assist the needy within our parish. Your remembrance of the poor by donations to the poor boxes at the doors of St. Anthony and in the baskets on the 4th Sunday of every month at Our Lady of Sorrows is indeed a blessing for so many!
With great pleasure, we salute James Quinlan, who recently was honored for 25 years of service as President of our parish Holy Name Society. As he attains this milestone of service to the Church, we offer our prayerful congratulations and ask the Lord to watch over and bless Jim. Blessed be the Name of the Lord...now and forever!
The month of November is dedicated to prayer for the faithful departed. Click the article title to find out how our parish remembers our beloved deceased.
You are invited go deeper into your faith by joining our RCIA candidates as they prepare to receive the sacraments of initiation. Click the article title for details on time and subjects.