On Tuesday, July 1, we welcome to our parish Fr. Jean R. Felicien, who was ordained on May 31 by Bishop O'Connor. For more information, click the article title.
Seniors Club #1 welcomes any new members, or any members of the disbanded Seniors Club #3 who wish to join us at St. Anthony's, come September. For information, contact Kay Grogan, president, at 599-8178.
The theme of this year's Fortnight for Freedom is Freedom to Serve the poor and vulnerable in accord with human dignity and the Church's teaching. For details, visit www.usccb.org.
Due to the 4th of July holiday, the July 6 bulletin must be submitted to the printer on June 30. If your organization or ministry has an item to be included in the July 6 issue, please email it to [email protected] no later than noon on Wednesday, June 25. Thank you!
The Loaves and Fishes Community of the Diocese of Trenton serves meals on the last two Saturdays of every month all year long at St. Mary's Cathedral in Trenton. Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony will host the meal on Saturday, June 28. Click the article title for details on how you can help!
I offer a huge thank you to all those who helped to make Fr. Gene's "Farewell" such a beautiful tribute and special event. Special thanks go to music director Michael Amantia and the choir, Phil Carllini, Tim & Louise Dechan, Joan Holman, Dave & Cheryl Uhaze, Joe & Ruth Woodcock, the Rosary Altar Society, and Hamilton Council #6213 of the Knights of Columbus.
To make a pledge or one-time donation to the Annual Catholic Appeal. Thanks to all who returned their pledge cards soon after the kick-off of the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal, our parish is now more than 76% of the way to its goal of $110,000! If you are one of the 408 who have already made a pledge or a one-time donation, thank you! If however, you wanted a little more time to prayerfully consider pledging, please take the opportunity to do so.
On June 28 & 29, representatives from Anchor House will be visiting both parish churches to ask for your support for the 36th Annual Ride for Runaways. This 500-mile bike ride from Lexington, VA. to Trenton, NJ, is the primary fund-raising event for Anchor House. Your past generosity has been crucial to enabling Anchor House to provide children and young adults in crisis with emergency shelter, caring support, and guidance. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.
This summer the youth of our parish will be out in the community doing acts of service for anyone who would like a helping hand with small tasks at their home. Tasks might include yard work, household chores, grocery shopping, babysitting, and more! We will be available on Tuesday mornings from 8:30 to 10:30 AM. Contact Karen Craven (586-7360, or [email protected]) and sign up for your time slot today!
Now displayed at the side altar of Our Lady in Saint Anthony Church is the image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, patroness of Haiti. May she ever intercede on our behalf and watch over our community! For more information, click the article title.
In a word? Yes! While it is certainly true that the Lord knows our hearts and that all are welcome in His House, the choices we make regarding our appearance is a way of providing a witness to our brothers and sisters that worship is important, and that the Church is no ordinary place.
We need BINGO workers. This could be great fun on a Saturday night! Are you interested in supporting your OLS-SA parish and OLS School? Consider volunteering to help at our Saturday night Bingo. For details, click on the article title.
If you're trying to have a child, or know someone experiencing the pain of infertility, plan on attending Infertility Solutions from a Catholic Perspective, sponsored by the Catholic community of St. Agnes (445 N. Main St. Sellersville, PA 18960) on July 28, from 7-9 PM, as they host an expert in treating infertility, obstetrician Kyle Beiter, MD.