Our parish relies very much on the annual Christmas Collection to meet its financial obligations. Your generosity in this annual appeal is very much appreciated.
While the Church warmly recommends that the faithful receive Holy Communion each time they participate in the celebration of the Eucharist, she also sets forth various requisites for its reception. Click the article title for more information.
Do you want to grow in your relationship with God, but feel you need some help and direction? For information on obtaining spiritual direction, click the article title.
Starting the weekend of November 29-30, the Church will be celebrating the season of Advent. Our parish will continue its tradition of inviting families to carry the lighted Advent candle in procession at the beginning of each weekend Mass. For information on how to participate, click the article title.
During Vocation Awareness Week, please pray that young people in today's society will hear and respond to God's call. For more information, click the article title.
Items to be published in the bulletins for the weekends of Nov. 22-23 and/or 29-30 should be submitted no later than Monday, November 17. Please email all bulletin announcements to [email protected]. Thank you for your cooperation!
Plans are set for our OLS-SA Parish trip to see Pippin on Broadway. Tickets have arrived, and we will meet in the OLS church parking lot on Saturday morning, November 22 at 9:40 AM. Please be on time. For more information, click the article title.
Another generous donation of 30 copies of the book Saint John Paul the Great: His Five Loves, by Jason Evert, has been received. Please visit the Parish Office if you would like one of these books.
Once again, our parish Social Justice/Social Concerns Committee will be collecting canned goods and non-perishable items to fill Thanksgiving baskets for Mount Carmel Guild and Better Community Housing of Trenton (Martin House). For details, click the article title.
During October, more than 302 hours of service were provided by 47 volunteers to 48 persons. If you need help, or would like to provide help, click the article title for details on the services provided and for contact information.
Don't miss the sleigh! If you haven't already put in your order, you'd better be quick--the candy sale ends on November 7! Click the article title for more information.