The Church of St. Ann, located at 1253 Lawrenceville Road in Lawrenceville, will celebrate the feast of Blessed (soon to be saint) John XX!!! on Friday, October 11, with an evening of prayer, reflection, and learning beginning at 7:30 PM in the Faith Development Center. Click the article title for more information.
40 Days for Life in the Trenton Diocese began on September 25, and will end on November 3. We are asking you to commit to prayer and fasting for an end to abortion in America. Click the article title for details.
The month of October is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. During the month of the October, let us consider this beautiful prayer of the Rosary as a means that we too can use in order to draw closer to Jesus and Mary, by meditating on the great mysteries of our salvation. Please click the article title for details.
All are invited to answer the Lord's call...He desires that we give Him the gift of our time. He desires that we come to Him bringing our needs, anxieties, joys, and thanksgiving. Our Lady of Sorrows Church is open during our office hours. Why not stop by for even a brief moment to rejoice in the Lord's Presence?
Although I had hoped to provide a final report on the Summer Project this weekend, there are still several outstanding invoices, and we are awaiting the arrival of promised significant gifts. As soon as all have been received, a complete report will be provided.
Congratulations to Gabriel Horn and Mark Barry on being named to the 2012-13 CYO Scholar/Athlete Team! Gabby and Mark are 2013 graduates of OLS School. They will be honored at the Opening Day Mass at the CYO Center on Saturday, November 2.
Please join us at this year's Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony's Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, on Friday November 22, at 7:00 PM. The dinner will be held at the German American Club, 215 Uncle Pete's Road, Hamilton, NJ. For details, click the article title, or see the bulletin.
Bishop O'Connell invites all people of good will from across the diocese and beyond to gather in prayer for comprehensive immigration reform. For details, click the article title.
Enjoy the peaceful surroundings of Loyola, a Jesuit retreat house set on 33 scenic acres in Morristown, beginning Friday October 4th and ending Sunday October 6th. The weekend includes a private room, all meals, beautiful liturgies, and inspiring talks. A reasonable offering is requested. For details, contact Dorothy Soi at [email protected] or 275-3837 (evenings).
St. Peter's Church (406 Forman Avenue, Pt. Pleasant Beach, 08742) will hold a Holy Hour for Life at 1:30 PM on Respect Life Sunday (October 6). All are invited to participate in he beautiful hour of prayer and benediction. Please come and join with others who believe that life is worth praying for. For additional information, contact Ellen Conaghan at 732-899-7322.
The 9th Annual Hearts of Remembrance Family Retreat Day is a free, one-day bereavement support camp designed for children and families who have experienced the death of a loved one. Families will have the opportunity to enjoy a day filled with meaningful, uplifting activities and positive reflection. For more information, click the article title.
The Regional Rosary Altar Society Network of Mercer County will celebrate its Ninth Annual Mass at St. Raphael-Holy Angels (3500 South Broad Street, Hamilton) on Saturday, October 26. For more information, click on the article title.
As part of the diocesan observance of the Year of Faith, Bishop David M. O'Connell, C.M., invites all the faithful of the diocese to journey with him on pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC, on October 19th. For details, click the article title.
Our parish invites all those Catholics who may be ill to this sacred encounter that they might know that Christ, who often visited and healed the sick, loves them in their illness. For more information on the date and time, and who may receive this sacrament, click the article title.