Please come join us as we pray for an end to abortion, and show your support for the young mothers. The abortion clinic in Hamilton, at 1345 Kuser Rd, targets our students with the promise of a discount with student ID. Stand up against this horror and be a voice for LIFE!
Compassionate care at the end of life should involve the loving support of family members, but the NJ legislation does not even require the notification of family.
Our Lady of Sorrows School is pleased to announce that the annual FUNdamentals Summer Basketball Camp will return again this year to the parish gym. For details, see the full article.
Our parish churches have the benefit of restroom facilities. At Our Lady of Sorrows Church, one is located at the elevator entrance, which is to the right of the sanctuary. We ask that whenever going to and coming from the facility one be aware of the presence of the Lord in the tabernacle and the sacred actions taking place when Mass is being celebrated. When passing by, be attentive—stop a moment to bow or genuflect towards the sanctuary and if the consecration is taking place, please pause until it is completed before returning to your place. This provides a witness to our faith in the Real Presence of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
In a recent letter to Monsignor Gervasio and our parish's Social Justice Committee, Mary Goss, director of Yamba Uganda said: "...may you and your parishioners know peace and live it - understand love and give it - have happiness and share it." --For the complete text, see the full article.
Our parish youth group will be making sandwiches and distributing them as bag lunches at the Cathedral. The youth group is also collecting travel size personal hygience products to be distributed with the Loaves & Fishes bag lunches. Donations may be dropped off at the entrances of the church from Sunday May 19 until Sunday June 2. Thank you for your generous donations!
We provide low-gluten (0.01%) hosts for parishioners who suffer with Celiac disease. Please inform the priest or deacon prior to the celebration of Mass; at communion time, approach the priest celebrant, who will have this sacred host. If you have any questions, call the parish office at 587-4372.
Are you divorced, and want to make things right with the church? Our parish has two annulment advocates. Please call the parish office (587-4372) for more information.
Our Children's Bible Camp will be held from July 8 through 12, from 8:30 am to noon. It will be a faith-filled and fun experience for children aged four to ten (pre-K through Grade 4).