Thanks to all who made a generous Christmas gift to the parish. The Christmas Appeal is one of the most important of the year. Your generosity and support allow the parish to meet its many financial obligations! The Lord continue to bless you for your goodness and stewardship. It is not too late to make a Christmas gift. Our Christmas collection total will be published in a few weeks.
With gratitude, the parish priests acknowledge the wonderful contributions of all those who helped to make our celebration of this Christmastide so beautiful. Click the article title for details.
"...I am grateful to you and the faithful of Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony parish for your generous contribution of $2,109 for the 2013 World Mission Sunday celebration," wrote the Rev. Peter James R. Alindogan, diocesan director of Pontifical Mission Societies in the US, in a letter Msgr. Gervasio received recently. He assured Monsignor that he and OLS-SA parishioners remain in his prayers.
The 2013 Adopt-a-Family project was a huge success! Gifts for 443 children were donated, along with $2,035 in cash and gift cards. Thanks also for your donations to the Giving Tree, wishes came true for 50 more children. Thanks to all who helped--committee, our youth, and donors alike!
Remember that Wednesday, January 1, is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. Click the article title for the Mass schedule.
As you prepare your heart for the Lord's coming, consider giving just a little of your time to help prepare Our Lady of Sorrows Church for the celebration of His nativity. Click the article title for details.
The generosity of our parishioners is always so admirable! I appeal to you once again as we approach the Christmas Solemnity! The Christmas collection is the most important of the year. Your generosity and sacrifice make it possible for the parish to meet our obligations. Please read the full article--click the article title for details.
The Parish Office will close at 12:30 PM on Tuesday, December 24, and will remain closed on December 25 and 26 in observance of our Lord's Nativity. The office will reopen at 9:00 AM on Friday, December 27.
This Filipino custom of nine Masses offered beginning nine nights before Christmas Eve started in 1660. For details on the participating churches and schedule, click the article title.
A very public thank you to the very secret Angel who anonymously left a cash contribution for the children's tuition fund. No amount is ever too small, especially when you see the smiles that spread across a family's faces when we are able to say that someone cared, and Merry Christmas! Thank you so much, quiet angel!
In addition to Adopt-a-Family, we have a Christmas Giving Tree. Take a gift tag, and return the gift on Sunday, December 15. For details, click the article title.
If you ever wished you knew more about exactly what the Church teaches, on any subject, now's your chance! Over the course of the next year, you can read the entire catechism in daily bite-sized pieces, or study the gospels, again, in daily bite-sized pieces. Click the article title for more information