Not Your Mom’s NFP
July 23, 7–9 pm; St. Benedict Parish, Holmdel
The Department of Evangelization and Family Life invites all married and engaged couples, parish leaders and parents of youth and young adults to join us for an encore presentation of the myth-busting, eye-opening event on the many surprising elements of Natural Family Planning, first presented by Kait Mayer at the 2015 diocesan Marriage Summit. Please reserve your spot for this important, fascinating free event in celebration of National Natural Family Planning Awareness Week. To register, go to or call Jossie Ramos, 609-403-7151.
50th Anniversary Humanae Vitae—Wine & Cheese Discussion
July 25; St. Joan of Arc Parish, Marlton
In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the most prophetic, controversial and transformational papal encyclical of our time, all Catholic adults are invited to a special wine and cheese discussion of Humanae Vitae hosted by the Dept. of Evangelization and Family Life. Leading the discussion are Peg and Kevin Hensler, the dynamic mother-son duo with Peg as Associate Director for diocesan Marriage Ministries, and Kevin as adjunct professor of theology and world religion at St. Joseph’s and Temple Universities, Philadelphia. To register for this free event, go to or call Jossie Ramos (403-7151).