I am pleased to report that we have received the first of our "rebates" from the
Faith to Move Mountains Endowment Campaign. These funds that are part of the parish sharing component of the appeal amounted to
$67,192.26 and represent 30% of the funds received to this point. The funds have been invested and will go a long way in helping us complete the window replacement project for our school.
Here is an update on the status of the parish's participation in the campaign:
Diocesan Goal:
Parish Goal:
$ 1,495,000
Pledge Total:
$ 961,700
Total Collected:
$ 223,974 (as of 2/29/16)
Thanks to all those who pledged. Your support not only strengthens the future ministry of the diocese, but also helps our parish meet its own needs. Gifts/Pledges are always welcome!
If you have not pledged or given, your support is always welcome. Please contact the parish office for details, or place your pledge and/or gift in the regular collection, clearly marking the envelope:
Faith to Move Mountains. Wouldn't it be wonderful to reach the million dollar mark? (30% of 1,000,000 is $300,000!)