All sessions are from 8:45 AM – 3:00 PM, and there is no before or after care.
All rooms are air conditioned.
There is a maximum of 24 children per session, so sign up now to make sure your child doesn't miss out on the fun with Mrs. Kim Bowers and Ms. Francesca Gioe!
Here's a sample of what we will be exploring within the three weeks:
Pie Face Day
Kids in the Kitchen
Camp Fire Day
Castles and Dragons
year of the Rooster (including Chinese lunch)
Cartooning Pokemon and Disney
Outer Space
How does your Garden Grow?
Saddle Up for a Hoedown
Make a Whole Lot of Noise!
Polka Dot Day
Puppet Shows
Pizza Day
A $100 deposit will be needed to secure your child's place when you return the completed registration form (to receive the registration form, send in the form found in the
bulletin of May 28). Return the form to the art room in OLS School, or to the parish office, and a registration form will be sent to you.