The Our Lady of Sorrows School PTA is once again teaming up with Country Gardens for a Spring Flowers Fundraiser. We are offering beautiful tulip and hyacinth plants for sale. The 6" fully bloomed plants are $9. Tulips will come in red, pink, yellow, and white. The hyacinths will come in white, purple, and pink.
You can find the order form for this fundraiser in the
bulletin of March 12 or on the school website under
Electronic Backpack Flyers. Please return the form to the school or parish office, care of Antonio Esquivel, Grade 4, with your check made payable to OLS PTA, no later than Friday, March 24.
The plants will be available for pickup on Wednesday, April 12, from 4–5:30 at OLS School. If you have any questions, please call Helen Esquivel (306-9274).