"I invite everyone to ask for the grace that our Church be like Mary. May it be a Church which reflects Jesus, which is entirely related to Him, which has no meaning in itself except for its relationship to Him, and which, therefore, manifests Him and lives Him. And let us ask, too, for each of us the experience of this same mystery in our own lives. It is a mystery of combat and of struggle. In fact, the Apocalypse speaks of a mysterious struggle. To be with Christ, to be in the Church, means combat. An easy existence is not promised or foretold. To be with the Lord in His victory over death also means to be together with Mary in all the humble and joyful service which she renders to humanity. Think of Lourdes, of Fatima, of all the places in which the Madonna has appeared to assure us that she continues to be near the daily life of the Church."
~Carlo Maria Cardinal Martini