The bill would allow physicians to prescribe drugs to end the lives of terminally ill individuals considered to have six months to live. This legislation therefore authorizes physician-assisted suicide. Be warned—in states that have passed assisted suicide bills (California, Vermont, and Oregon), insurance companies have denied individuals expensive healthcare coverage but offered them low cost drugs to end their life. In an era of cost control and managed care, patients with lingering illnesses may be branded as a financial liability for the insurance company, and decisions to encourage death could be driven by reducing costs.
See the document Doctor-Assisted Suicide: Fatally Flawed, Dangerous for Patients for more reasons to oppose this bill in particular. Don't be swayed by attempts to play on your emotions. There are ways to ensure that terminally ill patients are not in constant, overwhelming pain. Suicide is not the answer. Let's do our part to make sure that doesn't happen here in New Jersey!
Suicide, or the intentional causing of one’s own death, is morally wrong no matter what the reason. Pope John Paul II, in his 1995 encyclical, Gospel of Life (no. 66), wrote: “ Suicide is always as morally objectionable as murder. The Church's tradition has always rejected it as a gravely evil choice.”