Attend a Pre-Baptism Instruction Session—This is usually held on the 2
nd Thursday of the month at Our Lady of Sorrows Church Meeting Room, at 7:00 p.m. If you live outside the parish territory, you may attend an instruction in a parish nearby. Please submit a letter from that parish verifying your attendance.
Choose a sponsor/godparent—The role of sponsor or godparent is that of modeling Catholic life. We ask that this be confirmed by submitting a letter or certificate of eligibility from the parish that the sponsor/godparent currently attends. They need not submit their own certificates of baptism and/or confirmation. In order to be a godparent, one must be:
at least 16 years old (our pastor may dispense this requirement if the person has received Confirmation);
a Catholic who has received the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation;
in a valid marriage, if married, in accord with Church law; and
leading a life in harmony with the Catholic faith;
While the common practice is to name two godparents (male and female), only one godparent is required. Once cannot have two godparents of the same sex.
A non-Catholic Christian, while unable to serve as a godparent, may be admitted as a "Christian Witness." A Catholic who does not meet the qualifications to be a godparent is not permitted as a Christian Witness.
For more information, please contact the Parish Office (587-4372;
[email protected]).