It’s time to register your children for Religious Education classes for the 2018-2019 school year. Certain sessions fill up quickly, so early registration is recommended. Please check the brochure sent with the registration forms for a special offer for early registration. If you did not receive it yet, please call 587-4372.
For your convenience, all registration forms are available at You may print and fill out the registration form, then mail or bring it to the parish Office. If you have a Pre-K or Kindergarten student entering Religious Education classes, please print the registration form from the website or call our office to register your child. For more details please check our web site.
Parents of
Trenton Catholic Academy students—If your child is in 2
nd, 7
th, or 8
th grade, please make sure that you register your child for the sacramental preparation. The registration forms are available on our Website and at the TCA office.
Summer Religious Education Program
Summer Religious Education Program will be held Monday to Friday from June 25 through July 9 from 9 am to noon at Our Lady of Sorrows School.