Our Kindergarteners began celebrating Thanksgiving a little early this year! Each family had the opportunity to work together to “Disguise a Turkey.” We have some very creative families, who took a turkey cutout, and as you can see by the photo below, made sure you can’t tell if these are turkeys or not! We have turkeys disguised as Santa, Ninja Turtles, witches, basketball players, princesses, elves, ballerinas, lady bugs, the OLS mascot, Albert Einstein, and even a helicopter! What a creative project Mrs. Sheppard.!
In keeping with a long standing tradition, the Student Council joined with the Mission Representatives to collect food for the Mount Carmel Guild Thanksgiving Food Drive. Stuffing, gravy, vegetables, mashed potatoes, dessert items, coffee, and other non-perishable dinner related items were collected and delivered to Mount Carmel Guild so that those most in need in our community will be able to celebrate the holiday. Thank you to everyone who donated and supported our mission of service. Each month we make it a point to give of ourselves and demonstrate that we truly are the hands and feet of Jesus.
We ended the week celebrating our alumni with an “Alumni Gathering,” held in the school. What a wonderful time we had! It is always fun to reunite and visit with friends we haven’t seen in some time, and to roam the halls and reminisce about teachers, classes and elementary school adventures. I would like to acknowledge and thank Mrs. Larkin and her crew for organizing the event, and giving me the opportunity to open our doors and welcome our graduates back into the halls of Our Lady of Sorrows. I thoroughly enjoyed greeting past students, but now as the school’s principal. Some even visited the principal’s office for the first time!
As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I am grateful for the love, support and prayers you say for our school each day. How lucky am I to do work that I love, in a school that I love, with people that I love. Spending my days with these students is such a blessing, and I am grateful for this opportunity. I wish each of you a happy, blessed Thanksgiving, and please know that you are in our prayers as well.