As we celebrate the second week of Advent, our waiting and watching for the birth of Jesus continues. We fill this time of waiting with good deeds and service, as we have been called to do. There are several people to thank this week, as they have given of their time and talents to help those in our community. Mrs. Nobile was the point person for the “Great Scholastic Pajama Drive”, where over 75 pairs of pajamas were donated! What an awesome response to a very simple need. Then, the National Junior Honor Society collected many boxes of toys and games for the Mount Carmel Guild. Thank you to all who donated to these worthy causes. The spirit of service and giving to others should drive all we do, especially at this time of year. Again, I am so proud of these families, students, faculty and staff who continuously demonstrate and live out our call to serve others.
The third through 8
th grades had the opportunity to attend Reconciliation on Wednesday. Thank you to the priests of the various parishes who assisted Monsignor Tom and Father Jean. Consistently receiving the sacraments as a class is the most special part of attending a Catholic school, and watching our children participate in these sacraments is one of the most rewarding parts of teaching in a Catholic school.
The annual Christmas show was on Friday, and it was outstanding! Our Pre K through 4
th grade students did an exceptional job of singing, acting and showing everyone the true meaning of Christmas. If you were there, you saw the costumes and the decorations, heard the music, and watched our students perform. This is a huge “thank you” to our music teacher, Mr. Kemmey, assisted by Mrs. Sheppard and Mrs. Dusenshine, for their direction, and making sure the children were ready and knew their parts. Thank you also goes to our art teacher, Mrs. Bowers, for her wonderful costumes and decorations, as well as the parents who helped with the costumes. Thanks also to our parishioners Dave and Cheryl Uhaze who gave their time to build, paint and hang the stage decorations. The Our Lady of Sorrows band provided the music, and what a talented group of students. It was a terrific show, and we are so proud of our children. I know I wasn’t the only one who left the program with a smile on my face and joy in my heart!
A final thank you is sent out to the OLS PTA who provided the Christmas luncheon for the faculty and staff. The food was delicious, and it is always wonderful to sit with our colleagues and enjoy each other’s company. The school days are so busy, and we don’t always have the chance to connect with those in other grade levels. It was a terrific time, and we truly appreciate your support and generosity.
The excitement in the building grows a little more each day as Christmas draws closer and closer. No matter what type of day I am having, when I enter a classroom and see those excited, happy faces, I know there is no place I would ever want to be. God is good, and I am truly blessed.