The Rosary Altar Society is conducting its Annual Palm Cross Sale, the proceeds of which benefit Our Lady of Sorrows School.
The cross is approximately 12” x 20” (see photo to the left) and is made of looped palms on a wooden cross mounted on a stake, which makes a suitable adornment for the cemetery.
The cost for each Palm Cross is $10. Please complete the order form (in the
bulletin of February 26) and either drop it in the collection basket or return it to the Parish Office in an envelope marked “
Palm Cross Order” with your check made payable to the Rosary Altar Society
no later than March 27.
Crosses will be available for pickup on
Friday, March 31, at OLS only, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or after all Saturday evening and Sunday masses at both churches on April 1 and 2 at the location you select on the form.
Questions? Call Betty Adamczyk (586-6771) or Carolyn Hawkes (587-4938).