'Tis the Season—to help provide food for the hungry; to "play Santa" for children in need; to grocery shop for holiday dinners (or skip the cooking and visit your favorite restaurant); and to tackle your Christmas gift list. If you could use some help with gift ideas for Christmas, looking for affordable stocking stuffers and surprises for under the tree, or just one-stop-shopping for gift cards, let us help you. Our Lady of Sorrows School is offering more than 750 retail store and restaurant gift cards for sale through the Great Lakes Scrip Company to the parishioners of Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony.
Quick and Easy Ordering Options:
Order and Pay Online (www.shopwithscrip.com) using the Enrollment Code 9L6A3F3F68L3.
Order Online and Pay by Check. You can pay when picking up your gift cards up at the school office (M-F, 7:30-3:30) or parish office (M-Th, 9:00-8:00; F, 9:00–12:30; Sa, 8:30–12:30).
Order with the Paper Order Form available in the bulletin of 10/29/17.
The scrip program continues throughout the academic year. Orders are due by Tuesday and ready for pick-up on Friday for the traditional plastic card option. Great Lakes also has a “Scrip Now” option which provides you with a downloadable paper gift card, available for immediate use (you must pay online for this option). Traditional gift cards can also be “re-loaded” when you pay online.
Our Lady of Sorrows School will receive a percentage for each card purchased. What an easy way to purchase groceries, gifts, and necessities and support our school at no additional cost.
For more information and a list of available retail and restaurant gift cards, see the
Scrip Fundraiser Program page under
Schools > Our Lady of Sorrows School.
Questions? Please call Linda Campisi, OLS School bookkeeper, at 587-4140, ext. 128.
The students of Our Lady of Sorrows School thank you for your support!