Would you like to know more about the Liturgy of the Word readings you will be hearing at Mass each weekend, and how they apply to your life as a follower of Christ? OLS-SA has two ways you can do this:
Our Monday Night Bible Study meets every Monday during the school year from 7:30 to 9:00 PM in the Church Library. All three Lectionary readings are presented in such a way that you will be thoroughly prepared when you hear them again in church the following weekend. For further details, call Len Commini at 273-6541.
We are pleased to announce that, for those who cannot attend our Monday Night Bible Study sessions, our parish will be offering a daytime Bible Study with Faith Sharing Session each month. The session will be held on the last Monday of every month from September through June, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM in our Church Library. Because of the way Easter falls this year, the March session will be held on Monday, March 21.
For further details, please call Ann Conti-Salvatore (586-3954) or Len Commini (273-641).