Sister Mary Beth Lloyd, MPF, will be speaking at all Masses next weekend. The International Mission Office Director for the Religious Teachers Filippini since 1994, she has helped develop programs for the Child Headed Households, i.e. brothers and sisters left orphaned by HIV/AIDS, a work that now has become a priority for her order the Religious Teachers of St. Lucy Filippini. Her experiences in Albania, Brazil, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and India inspired her to write the book,
AIDS Orphans Rising. The recipient of the Servitor Pacis Award from the Vatican Mission at the United Nations for her service to the children, Sister Mary Beth represents the Religious Teachers Filippini who are working not only to provide God’s love, food, education, and more for the children, but most of all to give these children a future of peace. Please open your heart and give generously—100% of your gift will get to the children.