The next Mercer Life Meeting is Monday, April 3, at 7:30 PM at the St. Gregory the Great Parish Center. Please make plans to join us.
Agenda for April 3:
Fundraising Options: We'll discuss possibilities, prioritize, and focus our work on the ones that make the most sense.
Outreach: let's get creative a contacting new groups of people with our message
Bottle Drives: need a subcommittee to work to coordinate these efforts throughout Mercer County and beyond over the next 12 months
The next Legacy of Life Foundation (LOLF) Bristol Tour will be Tuesday, April 25th, beginning at 6pm. The address is 712 Veterans Highway, Bristol, PA 19007 2 min Tour Promo Video Here.
Legislative Update
Yes, we you can indeed join in:
"Building a Community where no one wants and abortion anymore"
Meanwhile, there is much good news for us in our Mercer Life/Mercer County Right to Life situation:
Praise the Lord, the Planned Parenthood center across from the Community Women's Center of Bucks County ( will be closing on March 31. This shows how compassionate outreach by a Legacy of Life Foundation (LOLF) center can drive away a unit of the biggest abortion providing organization in the country. It makes even more sense than ever to assist LOLF to open a facility in our area.
Catholic Men for Jesus Christ and their two dynamic leaders, George Rose and Bill Maher continue to move forward on multiple fronts to energize men throughout the Diocese to "Step into the Breach" in support of our LOLF initiatives.
Genesius, Pastor Rich, Pastor Bob and Daryl are doing great work every Saturday, speaking to and handing CWC Bucks County cards to dozens of men and women in front of the Trenton Planned Parenthood location.
St. Gregs is hosting the Cohort wide Mission event with Fr. Larry Richards for four nights, May 8-11 with the close support of St. Raphaels-Holy Angels, Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony, St. Vincent de Paul and St. John the Baptist parishes. Fr. Larry is particularly gifted at reaching young adults and men. This is a great opportunity to get people back into our Churches. Be there. Bring friends and family.
Initial plans are being made for a "Fathers Day Evening" at one of our local parishes in June.