Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 2:00 PM (Doors open at 1:00 PM) Robbinsville High School Auditorium
Reserved Seating: Tickets are on a first come, first served basis, so order your tickets early!
Ticket Prices:
$38.00 for Adults,
$32.00 for Seniors over 65 and children under 18
You can find an order form online at, or in the bulletin of February 22, 2015. Make checks payable to Our Lady of Sorrorws School, and return the form and payment to:
Our Lady of Sorrows School Attn: Barbara Miele 3800 East State Street Extension Hamilton, NJ 08619
For credit card orders, go to A $3.00 service charge per ticket will be added for processing credit card purchases.
Tickets will be available for pick up by the person named on the form at the "Will Call" table at the event. Only the person named on the form can pick up tickets at the event.
For questions or more information, email, or call (609) 587-4140.
Fundraiser to benefit Our Lady of Sorrows School