Whether you registered as a parishioner seven years ago or seven times seven years ago, things change. Your household grows as you welcome babies; it shrinks as your adult children move out to pursue a career. Elderly parents may move in with you or someone in your family may need to be moved to a skilled nursing care facility. You may upsize or downsize, moving within or out of the parish boundaries.
We care about the changes in your life, so please keep us informed if one of your loved ones is hospitalized or moves into assisted living or a nursing home. Let us know when you’re moving—we may not join your painting party, but we will update our records.
And please explain to your children that once they’re out of your home and living independently, they need to register on their own. This is a simple task, and can be done
online, but is
very helpful when the time comes to request a letter of eligibility to serve as a sponsor for baptism and/or confirmation as well as letters of reference or recommendation.