Despite medical advances across the board, infertility is an increasing struggle that more and more couples face. As the desire to conceive and bear a child grows stronger, many couples are swept up along a pathway of medical testing and treatments that become very questionable and problematic from the standpoint of our Catholic morality, and from basic secular understanding of natural law. Also, these treatments often have negative impact on the woman’s health, the couple’s relationship, and the household finances.
If you are seeking guidance about infertility treatments, please remember that our Catholic Faith teaches that any treatment which replaces the marital act itself (such as, but not limited to artificial insemination or in-vitro fertilization) is against the very essence of the unitive meaning of the marriage and is morally damaging to all parties involved. Treatments that seek to properly diagnose and correct underlying problems or assist fertility, without replacing the marital act are encouraged by the Church to help couples achieve conception.
Please contact the National Gianna Center for Women’s Health and Fertility, New Brunswick and Manhattan, at (732) 565-5490 to speak with doctors and medical professionals who specialize in very effective, cutting edge treatments for infertility that also uphold the dignity of Marriage.
This information is supported by the St. Denis Elizabeth Ministry, Rachel Hendricks, Director 732-223-1658.