Schedules for Altar Servers, Lectors, and EMHC have been emailed to all Liturgical Ministers. Paper copies of the schedules are available in both sacristies for those without Internet access.
Note that for Holy Week, liturgical ministers
from both churches have been used for services at St. Anthony’s Church. Most services are at different times than our usual Sunday masses, so check the entire schedule carefully for assignments. For example, an EMHC who usually is assigned to the 11:00 mass at OLS may find themselves assigned to any service at St. Anthony’s or to the 3:00 p.m. Good Friday service. So no matter what time you usually go to mass, read the whole schedule carefully.
Those without Internet access who wish to request a sub may contact Deacon Kevin at 577-3494 and leave a message. Those with Internet access should request changes through the usual online systems.
Rehearsals for the various services of Holy Week are as follows. All liturgical ministers should make every effort to attend the rehearsals for the services to which you are assigned. Please advise Deacon Kevin if you cannot attend.
Service Rehearsal Holy Thursday 6 p.m. Wednesday at SAC
Good Friday—OLS 10 a.m. Friday at OLS
Good Friday—SAC 11 a.m. Friday at SAC
Easter Vigil 9:30 a.m. Saturday at SAC