Strengthening the parishes, ministries, and organizations of the Diocese.
Exploring new models of leadership.
Improving our stewardship of personnel, finances, and facilities.
Establishing collaborative relationships among parishes.
Providing greater pastoral ministry to Latino Catholics.
Core Team
Our parish core team includes:
Deacon Kevin O'Boyle, Chair
Msgr. Thomas Gervasio, Pastor
Lea Novak, Secretary
Leonard Commini
Amanda Baranowski
Our team has reviewed parish data and the responses made in the recent surveys in order to make an honest asssessment of our pastoral life based on criteria for planning in four areas:
Sacramental Life
Evangelization, Catechesis, & Schools
Communal Life
Stewardship & Leadership
Based on survey responses, our parish team has identified three strengths of and three challenges for our parish.
Commitment to Catholic Education
Generosity to the poor
Welcoming spirit
Challenges/Areas for Improvement
Liturgical Music
Ministry to Youth/Young Adults
New Evangelization to inactive Catholics
Our parish team will be working in concert with teams from local parishes that form a "cohort".
Our cohort includes the following parishes:
Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony
St. Gregory the Great, Hamilton Square
St. Raphael-Holy Angels, Whitehorse
St. Vincent de Paul, Yardville
St. John the Baptist, Allentown
During the next several months, the parish core teams from each of these parishes will be meeting regularly to discuss our strengths and challenges, and to determine ways we can share strengths and work together on challenges. The cohort has formed four subteams, addressing each of the four planning areas mentioned above. To ensure that each parish is represented in discussions of each area, the subteams are composed of at least one representative from each parish. This phase of the process will culminate in late May/early June with a cohort evaluation and planning suggestions to the Diocesan Planning Committee and the bishop.