Our Lady of Sorrows School is having their first ever Color Run on Saturday, June 2.
Check in will open at 8 am and the run kicks off at 10 am.
Participants will walk or run a mile-long course around the school. Along the way, they will encounter “splash zones” where volunteers will be tossing packets of colored corn starch at them. At the end, everyone is covered in a beautiful mosaic of color! Each participant who registers before May 18 will be guaranteed a Color Run t-shirt, one color packet and a BIB.
This is not a competitive event. It’s not timed. It’s only
fun. We are asking participants to collect pledges. The day of the event, we will be holding raffles and giving away prizes for most money raised. Please visit
olsschool.us/events-news to access the registration form and other pertinent information. Hurry! The price goes up May 1!
Send completed registration packets to the school office (Attn: Jess Bomm). If you are interested in volunteering to help with the event, or need more info, please contact Jess (
[email protected]; 732-947-0993).