Thanks to all who returned their pledge cards soon after the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal was kicked off. Our parish is 57% of the way to its goal of $110,000! If you are one of the 330 who made a pledge or a one-time donation, thank you! If, however, you wanted a little time to prayerfully consider pledging, but mislaid your pledge care or haven't yet returned it, please take this opportunity to do so.
Through emergency assistance and other social service programs, the Church has directly helped alleviate the suffering of tens of thousands of people. Your gift will help the Diocese of Trenton to carry out its mission to care for all members of our one family in Christ. And when we exceed our goal, money returns to our parish!
If you haven't already pledged, please visit the
diocesan website and click on
Annual Catholic Appeal on the drop-down menu under
Donate at the top of the page. Help your parish meet its goal!