Our parish is in great need of Eucharistic Ministers to visit our homebound brothers and sisters, as well as our neighboring nursing homes. The Eucharistic ministry to the homebound and to those in nursing homes is a rewarding ministry. Most of those visited are parishioners who have served our parish throughout their lives. These visits keep them connected to our parish in a way only the Eucharist can.
Visits to the homebound can be scheduled at your convenience and are usually once a week, once every other week or once a month.
Nursing Home visits usually take about an hour, and are scheduled at
Complete Care Nursing Center twice monthly on Wednesday at 2:00 pm, and
Hamilton Grove twice monthly on Wednesday at 10am.
You may decide to take only 1 or 2 Wednesdays. Please consider this precious ministry. Training and mentoring will be provided. Please call Susan at the parish office 609-587-4372.