Our way of life, with its emphasis on personal freedoms and on what is casual and comfortable, is bound to find its way into the choices we make in the realm of the spiritual. Our manner of dress can be a witness to our faith—a way of recognizing our church as the dwelling of the Most High and a privileged place of prayer. Various modes of attire denote the importance we attach to a particular place and to the people we encounter.
Were we invited to a dignitary’s residence or even going to dine at an upscale restaurant, I doubt that any of us would consider wearing what is often seen at Mass. While not necessarily advocating very formal attire, coming to worship in clothing suited for a basketball court or the sands of the Jersey shore hardly seems appropriate for the Lord’s House. A non-believer in our midst could easily conclude that for many Catholics, worship is hardly an important event! What message do we want to give?
Everyone is welcome in the Lord’s House, to be sure, but we should take the time and effort to remind ourselves and our fellow Catholics that Mass—our meeting with the Lord—is important!! Appropriate attire also provides a respect for those who worship with us and preserves the modesty that we are called to practice.
Not a few would play down the importance or need for such a notice, contending that these are but trifles that do not matter in the eyes of God. After all, Our Lord does not judge the exterior but the interior. This is true, but Our Lord was concerned with little things, observant of many details of worship. Externals
do matter because they often reflect what we possess interiorly. We need the help of external signs as reminders of what is important.
The aim of my message is not to upbraid any parishioners but meant only to summon us all to think a little more about giving witness to the sacred nature of our church and to respect all those who enter its doors. Think about it!