Someone once said that “A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”
Every marriage faces hardship. It’s a given. The key point is to face the difficulties, whatever they are, together with your spouse, the one you love. If you can look back and remember earlier good times and not so good times, if you see how far you have come in your marriage and in your faith and smile . . .
You can be a mentor!
Engaged couples need to talk to people who have walked down the path they are just beginning. Married couples facing new challenges may also need help from others. In the time you have been married, you have seen the beauty of this sacrament come alive for better or for worse.
Your experience is God’s gift to you to pass on to others. It doesn’t belong to you any longer. It is for you to use it as a tool to help guide others in this vocation of marriage. Don’t let this opportunity go to waste knowing what you know. Marriage mentoring is about helping others.
Won’t you prayerfully consider becoming a mentor couple?