What's wrong with the James Bond character? The new era of widows and orphans. Basic practices of Catholic Men in today's world. Why do we need "Bands of Brothers?" The role of Catholic Women. From the burden to the blessings of Catholic fatherhood.
From the Frontlines — Lessons of the Crisis Pregnancy presented by Marie Joseph, Executive Director of the Legacy of Life Foundation.
Men and the crisis of pregnancy. What happens when a man accepts his responsibility of fatherhood? And when he is unable to? How can you make a difference?
The Blessings of Catholic Fellowship: Burdens made light
Food, fellowship, and networking with representatives from Catholic Men's groups in teh Hamilton, Allentown area: Catholic Men for Jesus Christ, That Man is You, Knights of Columbus, Diocesan Family Life Resources, and more.
Call or email John Muka, 609-238-3360, [email protected] for more information, or
go online to https://bu204.infusionsoft.com/app/page/fatherhood, or
text SVDPINFO to #33444
Supported by the Parishes of the Hamilton/Allentown area: St. Gregory the Great, Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony, St. Raphael - Holy Angels, St. John the Baptist, St. Vincent de Paul.