Good Morning-
So here we are in the 5th week of Lent already. About a month ago I last preached at this mass on the 1st Sunday of Lent discussing what we should do for Lent. I suggested we each choose our own tools to battle Satan in the world this Lent, just as Jesus had in the desert. I offered the traditional tools of Fasting, Prayer, and Almsgiving. One essential foe this battle even before we pick out tools is Faith—A strong belief is Jesus Christ and all His Church teaches. Our readings this Lent have given us a strong set of reasons to believe.
On the 1st Sunday of Lent we learned how Jesus defeated the temptations of the Devil. On the 2nd Sunday of Lent, we learned of the Transfiguration, where Jesus was revealed in His Glory to His closest disciples. On the 3rd Sunday of Lent we heard the story of the encounter of Jesus with the Samaritan Women at the Well. Last Sunday, the 4th Sunday of Lent we learned about Jesus curing a man blind from birth. Finally, today, we hear the story of Lazarus, the man Jesus wept for, and whom he raised from the dead. And next Sunday, Palm Sunday, we will hear the story of Christ’s Passion and Death on the cross. But what overall, have these stories taught us? How do they help us believe?
Well, the first two Sundays tell us quite a bit about Jesus. We learn of His steadfastness as He resisted the Devil’s temptation. We learn, ultimately of His strength over the Devil. The second week, Jesus is revealed in His Glory to his closest Disciples. We learn of His true Divine nature and appearance from the disciples who were there.
By the third week, the focus turns to the care and love Jesus had for others, and, by association, for us. By revealing her own history of sin to her, Jesus shows how he can read her heart- and ours. Finally, in the 4th and 5th week, Jesus is directly helping others. He cures one man of lifelong blindness and raises the other from the dead. We remember in the 4th week the symbolism of Jesus as light to the world, and the similar mission we have as members of His Church. And finally, this week, Jesus shows power over death itself with the raising of Lazarus. Jesus stares from the world of life into the death of the tomb, and in 3 simple words calls his friend out, “Lazarus, come out.” Finally, next week we will learn of His Love, as he goes through passion and death in payment for our sins.
So, what do we have? We know the person we are called to believe in can outwit and knows his place with the Devil. We have witnesses that have seen him in his glorious nature —He is God. He can read our hearts and know what we have done and why. Yet he still calls on us to join in His mission as light of the world. Finally, he has conquered death and shown us the depth of his love. Who better to believe in and follow? Who better to trust in?
So let us harden for the battle. In these closing days of Lent, let’s take another look at our practices of fasting, prayer and almsgiving. Let’s remember that fasting can include giving up anything we enjoy, the highest form of prayer is the mass, and almsgiving can be any sacrifice of our time, talent, or treasure. Add to that reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist and we should truly be prepared.
The battle lines are set. We know our goals—to spread Christ’s truth against the lies and evil in the world today. To avoid evil temptation and to Love others as Christ Loved. To be a light to the world. As we look toward Holy Week and Easter, let us remember that we are called to be active participants—not mere observers. And that’s something to think about this week! God Bless.