The term graduation comes from the Latin noun, gradus which means “a step.” This merry band of twelve—the Class of 2024—has completed a journey here at Our Lady of Sorrows—four began it in Kindergarten, five joined three years ago, and three more recently—and we have gathered in the Lord’s House to thank the Lord for everything that has been a part of that journey and we pray for God’s blessing upon them as they graduate, as they take their next step into high school.
Your parents’ love and sacrifices have carried you along at every step to this day and will continue, to be sure! I can only imagine their emotions, their pride, as they see you today, so different than when you began Kindergarten!
Under the guidance and mentoring of your dedicated teachers, the stage has been set for a lifetime of learning. Together, parents and teachers have set you on the path to many more milestones and greater achievements.
But this does not capture the entirety of your journey. We must never forget that everything has happened under the eyes and by the grace of God whose love for you is eternal. The great truth that you and indeed all of us must hold on to—the truth that never changes—is that whatever happens on life’s journey, we are the Lord’s beloved. God’s love for us existed before we were born. God never stops us loving us even when we stumble along the way. This is the message from the Sacred Heart of Jesus on whose feast you graduate.
The Gospel, with its scene of the Lord’s crucifixion and death may seem quite out of place for this occasion, but it is a vivid reminder about the extent of Jesus’ love for us—that he offered everything—his very life for us. The final line of the Gospel speaks of us: They will look upon him whom they have pierced. It is a reminder that on the journey of life, we should never take our eyes off of Jesus Crucified who loved us to the end.
Our school patron, Blessed, soon to be declared Saint, Carlo Acutis understood this and he prayed: Jesus, make yourself at home! Live within me!
In three short months, you will step into the new world of high school, a world quite different than the one you now leave. Take that step confident of the love and support of your parents and family. Take that step confident that our school has prepared you well. Above all, take that step confident that you are always God’s beloved!