This morning I’d like you to think about three words as we explore our readings – place, vision and prayer.
In our first reading today, we find Abraham taking his son Isaac to a place of sacrifice at God’s orders. Abraham clearly had a place in mind. It was a mountaintop that God would point out to him. He had a vision of God. We know that Abraham had several communications with God. Earlier on, there was a promise of a son, later displeasure at Abraham’s choice for his first son, and now, God’s order to sacrifice Isaac. With all these encounters, while apparently oral, he must have had some concept in mind of what God was like – some personal vision of Him. And finally, he was going to a place of Sacrifice – which indeed is a high form of communication with God – a special form of prayer. So, we see here 3 ideas of place- the mountain; vision – of God and prayer.
In our second reading today, we see that Jesus is at a place – the right hand of the Father. We see a powerful image or Vision of God. He is a mighty God – if He is for us, who can be against us? He gave us His Only Son – He is a God who loves us. The vision here is of a mighty, loving God. He intercedes for us – so He hears our prayers and acts on them from the right hand of the Father. We again see place; vision and prayer.
Finally, we come to our Gospel reading – the story of the Transfiguration. Jesus takes the chosen ones to a place – the top of a mountain. They see a vision of Jesus in His Glory. They even hear the voice of the Father confirming the vision. Who could doubt the Apostles who saw this whispered some quiet prayer at this vision.
Place, vision and prayer -what does this mean to us. I suppose the first question to ask is where is your “place”? Where do you go to be alone with the Lord? Is it your own mountaintop? Someplace out of the way where it is unlikely you will be interrupted or bothered? Is there something special or sacred about that place – perhaps it is here in this Church with the many sacred images – and the presence of our Lord in the Eucharist. Maybe it is a room in your home where you have your own sacred things – pictures, statues, a crucifix – whatever you find useful. Or maybe it is somewhere else – I have always found the ocean a place where I can pray and feel close to God. Somehow, I have always found it to be a place I can go to and leave strengthened. Where is your place?
What is your vision of God? Is He an old man, floating in the clouds? Is he captured for you in some artist’s work? Do you see Him in the poor, the prisoner, the sick or the elderly? Do you look for Him in others?
Finally, how do you pray? Do you converse with God? If you use well known prayers, the Rosary, for example – do you remain open to hear God speak to you? Do you go to your place, imagine your vision, and pray to God?
As you have probably heard said, prayer, along with fasting and almsgiving are the three steps to a good Lent. Prayer is communication with God, speaking to Him and listening. It may require some form of fasting – putting away the electronics or other distractions for a time. You can fast from things other than food. Perhaps, you link your prayer with doing – helping the poor for example – perhaps a form of almsgiving,
In this Lent, I would suggest, you consider these three words – place, vision and prayer. Consider where you meet your God, how you envision Him, and How you talk to Him in Prayer. It’s something to think about this week. God Bless.