The Christian faithful who gather together as one to await the Lord's coming are instructed by the Apostle Paul to sing together psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (cf. Col 3:16).
Thus Saint Augustine says rightly, "Singing is for one who loves."
There is also the ancient proverb: "One who sings well prays twice."
Donival Brown earned his undergraduate degree at Westminster Choir College, Princeton, where he studied under Mrs. Phyllis Lehrer and the late Mr. Harold Zabrack. Mr. Brown received his master's degree in choral conducting at The College of New Jersey, and had begun his doctoral studies at Philadelphia Bible College. Mr. Brown was the Director of Music for the Roman Catholic Parish of Our Lady of Sorrows, Hamilton, for 15 years. He continued in this liturgical ministry after the establishment of Our Lady of Sorrows-Saint Anthony parish in 2005.
His commitment to the liturgy and the role the people of God have in Catholic worship, had him working right up to the day the Lord called him home. Mr. Brown was also active in many other organizations that promoted Catholic worship. Mr. Brown served as a member of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission, for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Trenton, and the Executive Board of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians, Trenton Chapter. Mr. Brown was also a teacher and a presenter of workshops in countless parishes throughout New Jersey, where he trained cantors, organists, and pianists in liturgical music. He assisted in the establishment of the diocesan concert series, and served as cantor at numerous diocesan liturgical celebrations. His talent and personality allowed him to draw many into singing the Mass, and into active conscious participation. Mr. Brown established a choir for the bishop's 12:10 Masses, during the work week, at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption. He served as the music coordinator for the Diocesan Celebration for Law Enforcement, several liturgies to observe 9/1l and the celebration of Mother Theresa's visit to Trenton. His commitment to musical excellence was the basis of a working relationship with the Trenton Symphony. Mr. Brown's musical talents were in high demand for countless weddings, funerals and other special religious events.