The Beloved series is found on the website, FORMED (
Once on the site, click on PROGRAMS, and choose THE SACRAMENTS from dropdown menu. Then click on the Beloved image and pick “Living Marriage” from the dropdown; the six sessions plus the Couples Enrichment Guide will be displayed.
FORMED is a revolutionary online platform that provides access to the best Catholic audio talks, movies, eBooks, and video-based studies, via your computer or phone. Find out how on the Formed page, under Faith Formation > Adult Faith Formation.
Our parish Marriage Ministry is introducing a series that can enrich marriage – Beloved! This series is designed to be flexible – it can be viewed on your home computer at (see sidebar). The site, also, provides a Couple Enrichment Guide to walk you through the process.
Beloved demonstrates how couples can experience firsthand the wonder, mystery, and joy behind that first “I do”. So, you’ve shared an anniversary or two… or twenty… and you’ve learned a lot about yourselves and each other so far. Can marriage be more than you think it is?
Once a month for six months, we will highlight one session from the Beloved- Living Marriage series in our parish bulletin and on the parish web site. We will provide the following preview: the session overview (ex: deepening the bond of marriage; reflecting on healing, virtue and love; resolving conflict in marriage), reflective questions, and the couple’s activity. Then follow the Enrichment Guide to experience each session and to reaffirm the key role you play in one of God’s most cherished institutions.
Let’s journey together and help strengthen and enrich our marriages and possibly help others to do so, as well!
* If you have any questions regarding FORMED or the Beloved series, please send an email to:
[email protected].
How do you and your spouse complement one another or balance each other out?
How does it change your outlook on your marriage to know that struggles and “the fermenting process” are part of God’s plan?
How did your past challenges or situations prepare you for future challenges?
What obstacles get in the way of a fruitful marriage? What impact does woundedness have on a relationship? What are the principles we need to form a marriage that thrives?
Strong marriages require self-awareness, grace, and forgiveness. In this session, we will discuss: healing wounds, pursuing virtue, and experiencing love as God intends. This segment emphasizes the key to “maturing” a marriage.
The video portion is only 18 minutes long; but it is professionally presented with couples commenting on Professor Brickman’s points.
God desires for us a marital relationship that grows in love, trust, unity and, finally, in closeness. However, circumstances can conspire to prevent such growth from occurring. Pursuing many things outside the home - or things outside the interests of the family - such as social media, career advancement, or simply just having a good time, can rob a marital relationship of its potential. The Holy Spirit will help protect this marital bond.
What would you say distracts the most in your family’s marital relationship and what can you do about it?
How can a married couple go from intimacy in their early days to now living parallel lives?
What events can conspire to make this happen?
Authentic Love should encompass our physical, emotional, and spiritual life together in marriage. Is sex fulfilling only on a physical level or is it emotional? God intended us to have sexual intimacy as a total gift of self to our spouses. The church teaches us that authentic love is the love we are ultimately looking for.