Under this page you'll find a compendium of information about all things Catholic:
Under What We Believe, you'll find sources on Catholic dogma (including the Catholic Catechism).
Under Saints, you'll find information on our patron saints, Our Lady of Sorrows and St. Anthony of Padua, as well as links to the Saint of the Day, and an encyclopedia of saints.
Under Angels, you'll find the hierarchy of angels.
Check out the links to interesting information (such as Sacred Sites, the Monitor, and a Catholic Encyclopedia) down the left side of this page!
In addition to these sources, we have a local Catholic radio station, WFJS 1260 AM, where you can hear a multitude of programs on our Catholic faith. You can also live stream the broadcast on your tablet or cell phone. Check out their website,
www.domesticchurchmedia.org for more information.
Should Catholics do yoga? This is a hotly debated question that provokes a wide variety of answers, ranging from people who are unconvinced that Christians have any worries whatsoever to those who...
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O...
Baptism Of The Lord The people were filled with expectation,and all were asking in their heartswhether John might be the Christ.John answered them all, saying, “I am baptizing you with water,but one...
“Anyone can host a podcast” is a popular refrain I’ve heard from more than a few talking heads. And it’s essentially true. With a bit of tech know-how, and a couple hours a week of free time, folks...
by Diego Hernández Herrera Suffering from an addiction —or even a habitual vice— can be quite embarrassing, especially when you are a Christian, because you are aware of how serious such a sin is...