The Social Justice/Social Concerns Committee once again invites you to share your love and your treasure this Christmas with children in need, and in so doing, keep alive the memory of Deacon Joe Malloy and his wonderful model of Christian discipleship.
Easy Steps to Adopting a Family/Child for Christmas
Sign up online below, including the number of children to whom you can give.
We will send you your "adopted" family, including the name, age, size, and gift wish of each child. Requests made online will be answered as soon as possible (1-2 days). Please be patient.
Buy clothing and a gift item for each child. Please shop for this child as you would for a child in your own family.
Please wrap the gifts and label them with the child's name and their assigned donation number.
Bring the gifts to the OLS school cafeteria on Sunday, December 8, from 12:00 to 2 PM.
Thoughts to Keep in Mind
Gift wishes are just that—the wishes of children who watch the same commercials and want the same things your children or grandchildren want. Some may be too expensive for your budget. Do not feel obligated to buy anything that is above your means. You may substitute any suitable, age-appropriate gift in place of the "Gift Wish." You can find lists of age-appropriate gifts online. Many of the older children are very happy with a gift card for Target, Walmart, a local clothing or shoe store, or a Gaming store. Follow your head...and your heart.
We prefer that you do not ask for children of a particular age or sex. Please open your heart to all the children in need.
Don't have time to shop or wrap, but still want to share with a child this Christmas? Consider donating a Wal-Mart or Target gift card to give as a gift to a needy teenager. Gift cards can be dropped in the collection basket or at the rectory in an envelope marked "Adopt-a-Family Gift Card Donation."
Thank you for your response to this opportunity to share Christ's love.
If you have any questions, please contact Teresa Wells at 609-220-8181 (call or text), or [email protected].