This Lent, our Lumen Christi Cohort 6 parishes are coordinating a three-pronged spiritual warfare assault on abortion in our county. This effort will begin on February 26, Ash Wednesday, and continue through April 4, the Saturday before Palm Sunday. This is a response to a crisis—every week, many women in our community of Mercer County suddenly find themselves in a Crisis Pregnancy Situation. Dozens seek a solution at the 5 abortion-providing or -referring clinics in Mercer. Most are unaware of the many free resources in our area that are available to support a decision for life.
Our three-pronged response to this crisis is Contact...Conversations...and Connections.
We need to let women in crisis pregnancies know that they have options. How can we reach them? By witnessing and praying in front of the place they go for an abortion. We can also enlist the help of our loving and powerful God by praying both at the clinic and in the nearby church.
St. Gregory the Great Respect Life is taking the lead to organize a daily hour of Prayer and Public Witness.
Where? Both in St. Gregory the Great Church and across the highway on the sidewalk outside Golden Crest Office Park on Route 33 (where there's a Planned Parenthood clinic).
When? Feb. 26 to April 4 (that's Ash Wednesday through “Palm Saturday”),
On Tuesday through Friday, from 4 to 5 PM, and on Saturday, from 9 to 10 AM.
Who? Our parish has offered to take the Wednesdays of Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday—we're counting on YOU! Other parishes have offered to cover the other days of the week, but you are welcome to show up on any day.
How? We will carpool over (so you don't have to be nervous about being alone), meeting in the parking lot at Our Lady of Sorrows between 3:30 and 3:45 PM.
You are welcome to join in! Sign up to get the detailed schedule at (It really does help if you take a minute to signup, in case of inclement weather, and to show others that they won’t be alone if they want to join us!)
Where? | St. Gregory the Great Parish Center, the Bachman room | |
When? | Part 1 | Cancelled |
Cancelled | ||
Part 2 | Cancelled | |
Cancelled |
Sign up for class sessions here
For more information on Sidewalk Advocates for Life, see